Why is the magazine in landscape mode?

Ye Olde Magic Mag is, first and foremost, a digital magazine, designed especially to be read on video devices, like tablets, laptops, personal computers (both Mac and Windows), smartphones, etc. If you have tried to read traditional magazines/books on these devices, content that has not been designed to take advantage of the digital platform, you may have become frustrated because of the amount of scrolling required to enjoy the content. With a multi-column page, in “portrait” mode, you have to scroll up and down a number of times to read the full article.

When the page is laid out in landscape mode, instead, you don’t need potentially any scrolling, as the whole content of the page is available on the screen. If your media is small (like a smartphone, rather than a tablet), then you may need to use the functions to zoom in and to scroll, but iPhones or similar devices are not really the best device to read a magazine that has not been especially targeted to them.

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