Magic Collecting and curious articles on magicians of the past in Volume 6 issue 2 (March 2020) of Ye Olde Magic Mag, available for download and in a very small number of printed copies.
In this issue:
- Claude Golden, a mysterious card magician of vaudeville is introduced to the reader by Michael Perovich.His original magic is reconstructed from scant articles.
- Did you know that Carl Compars Herrmann was REFUSED to perform in a popular Italian theatre? Pietro Micheli reveals it all in his column Searching in the Archives
- James Smith (our resident librarian) comes back with his annual review of rare magic books sold in the previous year (2019). Some real treasures there!
- Were Maskelyne & Cooke ever “Royal Illusionists”? Anne Goulden and John Davenport reveal a curious experience of their career and you will be surprised.
- Pietro Micheli reports on the 3rd Italian Conference on Magic History, giving you the “behind the scenes” of this recurring event.
- Ye Editor and Prof. Edwin Dawes dig up some more information about Prof. Anderson, his wives and children, and a recently-discovered chair. You don’t want to miss this information!
- Our regular column, Chewing the (Magic) Fat, may be controversial in this issue, as we reveal that Dai Vernon was not the first magician to promote the “be natural” mantra. But this is not all, and you can read more short opinions and learn new things in that column.
- Of course, important magic memorabila sold at auction since the last issue is given the once over in the regular Auction Action with items you may have missed!
This 52 pages issue contains more than 19,000 words and is available as a Download and in printed format, LIMITED TO 100 SIGNED AND NUMBERED COPIES, for the most distinguished collectors.
Download your copy now (about 5MB) to learn about the history of magic and magic collecting!
Ye Olde Magic Mag is the first fully-digital magazine on Magic History and on collecting magical memorabilia, edited and published by Marco Pusterla, A.I.M.C. A quarterly publication, available in a small number of printed copies, all individually numbered and signed, for real collectors. The printed version is shipped post-free worldwide and gives access to the digital copy! If you prefer, you can subscribe to the magazine with a PayPal recurring payment and that will ensure you receive the same issue number every time.