The December 2020 issue of Ye Olde Magic Mag is out! This is the first issue of Volume 7, marking our seventh year of continued publication of the most-loved magazine on magic history and on magic collecting.
In this issue:
- Peter Brunning has been busy digging through dusty archives and has finally discovered the identity of Leon Bosco, the comedic partner of the LeRoy, Talma & Bosco magic act. Read it all here and discover the man behind the name!
- Another Bosco graces our pages: 19th century Italian magician Bartolomeo Bosco and an example of a French contract, in another enlightening article by our regular contributor, Pietro Micheli.
- Michael Perovich, another of our correspondents, will accompany us for the whole of Volume 7 with a new column, Scandalous Sorcerors, exploring the less edifying doings of magicians of yore. In this issue you will discover what gambling expert John Philip Quinn was up to away from the card table.
- Richard Hatch has attended the 3rd Argentinean Magic History Conference and reports on it for all those who weren’t there.
- The legendary episode of the magic challenge between Ching Ling Foo and Chung Ling Soo is narrated in detail by Samuel D. Porteous, in an exclusive extract from his book Ching Ling Foo: America’s First Chinese Superstar. The book is then reviewed by Marco Pusterla.
- Since the last issue, there have been many interesting (and important) magic auctions, so our regular column Auction Action takes a considerable number of pages, with many nice photos of interesting magic memorabilia you may have missed!
- Magic History Books reviews galore! A few books on magic history and collecting have been reviewed in this issue!
- … and more!
This 64 pages issue (the largest to date!) contains almost 25,500 words and is available as a Download and in printed format, LIMITED TO 110 SIGNED AND NUMBERED COPIES, for the most distinguished collectors. Please note that the printed version contains an EXCLUSIVE insert not otherwise available!!!
Download your copy now (about 5MB) to learn about the history of magic and magic collecting!
Ye Olde Magic Mag is the first fully-digital magazine on Magic History and on collecting magical memorabilia, edited and published by Marco Pusterla, A.I.M.C. A quarterly publication, available in a small number of printed copies, all individually numbered and signed, for real collectors. The printed version is shipped post-free worldwide and gives access to the digital copy! We recommend you subscribe to the magazine with a PayPal recurring payment as that will ensure you receive the same issue number every time.