The March 2021 issue of Ye Olde Magic Mag is out! With a look at magic of the Renaissance, this issue provides original research and a record of the most significant magic books and items recently sold.
In this issue:
- Jan Isenbart studies in detail the painting of The Conjurer attributed for a long time to Hyronimous Bosch and presents evidence on an alleged relation between the two main characters
- Always on the subject of magic in the Renaissance and late Middle ages, Thibaut Rioult presents two exciting images of magicians from Italy, and you probably have never seen them!
- Michael Perovich returns with a new episode of his column, Scandalous Sorcerors, revealing the less than edifying doings of magic author Genn Gravatt. You won’t believe it!
- One of Houdini friends was Italian magician Deodato of whom very little was known. Our semi-regular contributor Angelo Mitri has embarked on a research of this magician, and you will learn a lot from his article!
- Marco Pusterla reports for the first time in English on yet another magic trick mentioned in Pietro Aretino’s Le Carte Parlanti, that book from 1534 rich with gambling and card magic information. But this time, the trick doesn’t involve cards.
- As per tradition, in this issue we welcome back James Smith with his annual article about important magic books sold and/or discovered in 2020
- Since the last issue, there have been many interesting (and important) magic auctions, and our regular column Auction Action reports on the most exciting magic items offered for sale in the last three months
- Magic History Books reviews galore! A few books on magic history and collecting have been reviewed in this issue!
- At great request, Chewing the (Magic) Fat returns with a few reflections of magic history and research, to stimulate conversation
- … and more!
This 64 pages issue contains almost 24,000 words and is available as a Download and in printed format, LIMITED TO 110 SIGNED AND NUMBERED COPIES, for the most distinguished collectors. Please note that the printed version contains an EXCLUSIVE insert not otherwise available!!!
Download your copy now (about 5MB) to learn about the history of magic and magic collecting!
Ye Olde Magic Mag is the first fully-digital magazine on Magic History and on collecting magical memorabilia, edited and published by Marco Pusterla, A.I.M.C. A quarterly publication, available in a small number of printed copies, all individually numbered and signed, for real collectors. The printed version is shipped post-free worldwide and gives access to the digital copy! We recommend you subscribe to the magazine with a PayPal recurring payment as that will ensure you receive the same issue number every time.