The September 2022 issue of Ye Olde Magic Mag concludes the eight year of continued publication, with more exciting articles on magic history and on the joy of collecting magic memorabilia.
In this issue:- The life of the elusive Chan Canasta, has been surrounded by mystery. In this issue, the veil is lifted on the career of this influential mentalist thanks to the research of Peter Brunning. You will also discover why the BBC did not give him another series and what it really thought about him!
- Read the exclusive translation of an hitherto unknown review of Bartolomeo Bosco‘s show describing some presentational details that were lost in history – by Pietro Micheli
- Our ye-ditor, Marco Pusterla, reports on Houdini‘s “Scottish Maid” providing a lot more information than was ever known.
- Still by Marco Pusterla, an interesting article on an instance when ventriloquism started and supported a revolution in Mexico
- Michael Perovich discusses what Dai Vernon really knew about Malini in a though-provoking rebuttal of Vernon’s criticism, with a letter to the ye-ditor.
- Many auctions in the past three months, and they are all discussed in Auction Action, the most-read column in Ye Olde Magic Mag. In this issue you will learn about Ionia, Houdini, P.T. Selbit, Frikell and many more magicians whose memorabilia went under the hammer.
- A review of the recent book by the late David Budd on the magic of Milton Woodward and Millicent Cooper
This 60 pages issue contains almost 22,500 words and is available as a Download and in printed format, LIMITED TO 125 SIGNED AND HAND-NUMBERED COPIES, for the most distinguished collectors.
Download your copy now (about 5MB) to learn about the history of magic and magic collecting!
Ye Olde Magic Mag is the first fully-digital magazine on Magic History and on collecting magical memorabilia, edited and published by Marco Pusterla, A.I.M.C. A quarterly publication, available in a small number of printed copies, all individually numbered and signed, for real collectors. The printed version is shipped post-free worldwide and gives access to the digital copy! We recommend you subscribe to the magazine with a PayPal recurring payment as that will ensure you receive the same issue number every time.